Web Design:

The Hat Man


Saturday the first of April we received a great guest from New York in our gallery. It was the multitalented Algea. In fact he came last Saturday also and it was a great success.


Algea is a man of many talents. He entertaines guest by playing jazz, reggae and funk music on drums, flutes, African kalimba and other instruments. He writes poems and made a special performance with a new poem about Iceland.

Algea has come to Iceland to show us his hat design that can be changed in a variety of ways. It can be said that the hats are almost like a sculpture. Algea sells his design in shops and art markets in Amsterdam, Paris and New York.

This one is very ladylike.


With minor modifications the design can be altered. This way a single hat can change in unbelievable number of ways.

This one looks like a sculpture.

The three versions above are one and the same hat.

Then it can be changed into a crown.

These two pictures also show the same hat and two different setups.

It is a lot of fun to get such a fresh artist to visit us and see a totally different culture.



Álfheiður Ólafsdóttir