Boulder Stones
Patterns of Nature

This summer I searched for places in the environment that leaves nobody unmoved. The nature, its art and its stunning intuition in color choice and forms made me look closer and admire the creation. I show you a few pictures of boulder stones and the vegetable life that grows here and there in its shelter. The beauty you see at every step is hard to describe in words. Here you can see a tiny fraction of the art works of nature.
Icelandic landscape is not limited to beautiful mountaintops and ice-caps. It is no less the loveliness of the soft and small that so many walk by but do not see because we forget to look at the things closest to us.
Symmetry in colors and forms is perfect.

Stairway to heaven probably exists. At least it is there in the pattern of the boulder stones.

A strange animal is there in the center of the picture and is screaming fiercely.

Two black lichens that look like wide open eyes on a huge dog. H.C. Andersens adventure the Magic Lighter comes to mind. When the dog with eyes the size of under plates was guarding the chest with the coppercoins.........

Lichens and fungi just like kids playing valley ball or basketball.

I see from this a map - or the earth from a plane.

Living here is in total peace and harmony. No matter if it is grass, delicate flowers, rock or moss. A community of plants and stones. The individuals are so miscellaneous just like we humans. There is a rough rocker, a sweet lady, a bearded elder and a motherly housewife.
I showed María Rún the picture and she saw this story:
Once upon a time there where a group of old men talking and left two other men out. One was too young and the other was too old. The younger one started talking with a stranger. The older was looking after a dog owned by a housewife. The dog started to bark at another dog that suddenly appeared. Then her baby woke up and started to cry. The housewife was not happy because the baby woke up and began to rock it back to sleep. Then the old men began to sing a lullaby and the young and the old chimed in. The dogs started to tune in - resulting in a great big choir. The baby fell back to sleep and a smile came upon the tired face of the housewife. The old man and the young man were allowed to enter the group of the elders and the dogs started playing together. The community was in balance with peace and harmony.