Web Design:

Jóhann G. Jóhannsson

Peaks & Pyramids

Jóhann G. Jóhannsson

Jóhann G. Jóhannsson has been active in Icelandic art life for the past decades. He started his art-carrier in popular music bands and is one of the best composer in that area. Early on in his carrier he began expressing himself in music and art equally. For the past years the connection of music and art has become stronger, especially where he is wrestling with the triangular shape in music as well as art.

Peaks & Pyramids is the newest exhibition and was held in Reykjavik Town Hall, September 25th - October 10th. It is his first theme based exhibition where all the paintings (except one) is based on the triangular shape. The pictures are painted with oil on canvas but the triangular shape is a cut out Plexiglas, painted on both sides.

During the exhibition a video made by Valdimar Leifsson, film producer, was shown on a screen - along with 3 Pyramids an electronic music composition by Jóhann. It was published on a CD and is made up of three independent parts; Future, Present and Past. The different parts are mixed in a special surround sound in several versions on the CD.

Jóhann started work on the triangular pictures as early as 1995, inspired by the mountain Keilir on the Reykjanes peninsula. Keilir is according to Jóhann the Icelandic natural pyramid. The exhibition Peaks & Pyramids is the continuing evolvement of the triangular shape where he tries to create a unique world of image and sound.

The book Initiation by Elisabeth Haich had great influence on Jóhann when preparing the exhibition. The book is about a woman's spiritual journey through time and space.


Mind Making Land (34x55,5)
Mixed Technique

Jóhann G. Jóhannsson

Visual Play 1 (32x37)
Mixed Technique

Jóhann G. Jóhannsson

Visual Play 2 (34x36)
Mixed Technique

Jóhann G. Jóhannsson

Overview (35x42)
Mixed Technique

Jóhann G. Jóhannsson

Peaks & Pyramids 1
Peaks & Pyramids 1 (160x125) (SOLD)
Oil and Plexiglas

Jóhann G. Jóhannsson

Peaks & Pyramids 2
Peaks & Pyramids 2 (160x125)
Oil and Plexiglas

Jóhann G. Jóhannsson
50.000 ISK

Peaks & Pyramids 3
Peaks & Pyramids 3 (160x125) (SOLD)
Oil and Plexiglas

Jóhann G. Jóhannsson

Peaks & Pyramids 4
Peaks & Pyramids 4 (160x125) (SOLD)
Oil and Plexiglas

Jóhann G. Jóhannsson

Peaks & Pyramids 5
Peaks & Pyramids 5 (160x125)
Oil and Plexiglas

Jóhann G. Jóhannsson

Peaks & Pyramids 6
Peaks & Pyramids 6 (160x125)
Oil and Plexiglas

Jóhann G. Jóhannsson
650.000 ISK

Initiation (160x125)
Oil on canvas

Jóhann G. Jóhannsson

Peaks & Pyramids- triplet

Peaks & Pyramids- triplet

Peaks & Pyramids- triplet
Peaks & Pyramids- triplet (132x72)
Mixed technique
Jóhann G. Jóhannsson

Peaks & Pyramids - pair

Peaks & Pyramids - pair
Peaks & Pyramids - pair (102.5x73.5)
Mixed technique
Jóhann G. Jóhannsson
250.000 ISK


Curriculum Vitae:

Jóhann G. Jóhannsson is born 22. February 1947 in Keflavík. He graduated from Samvinnuskólinn Bifröst (The Bifröst Commercial College).

The musical carrier started with the School-band of Bifröst in the fall of 1963 and later he became the band manager. Jóhann G. became a professional musician in 1966 when the pop-music band Óðmenn was founded. He was the lead singer and played the base.

During his music carrier he played with various bands: Straumar (1965), Óðmen (1966-68), Musica Prima (1968-69), Óðmenn II (1969-70) Tatarar (1971), Náttura (1972) and Póker (1978).

Later Jóhann G. has since performed in numerous musical events.

The first art exhibition was in 1971 and ever since Jóhann has worked equally with art as well as music. More than 200 songs and lyrics have been published by Jóhann and many have been made popular by other artists as well as him self.


1970  Óðmenn II - double album
1974  Langspil - first solo record
1976  Mannlíf - second solo record
1979  Kysstu mig - Íslensk kjötsúpa/Íslensk kjötsúpa
1979  Heildarútgáfa JGJ - Collection of JGJ pop songs
1988  Myndræn áhrif - third solo record
1991  Gullkorn JGJ (book and CD). 37 compositions + CD with 19 pop songs
         played on piano.
1993  Gullinn sax – instrumental / Halldór Pálsson
1997  Asking for love - Various artists singing songs by JGJ
1999  3 Pýramídar - 3 Pyramids, electronic musical piece constructed as three
         equally long episodes; Future, Present and Past
2003  Gullkorn Jóhanns G. Jóhannssonar – Collection of JGJ´s greatest hits by
         various artists

Songs and lyrics supporting special campaigns:

1979  Burt með reykinn (Get rid of the smoke) /Anti smoking committee 2 songs
         and lyrics by JGJ
1985  Hjálpum þeim (Help them) lyrics by JGJ - song by Axel Einarsson
1994  Yrkjum Ísland (Vegetate Iceland) - song and lyrics by JGJ
2002  Hvatningarátak-HÆTTUM AÐ REYKJA! (Campaign-QUIT SMOKING!) Joint
         project of JGJ & UMFÍ (Youth Association of Iceland).

Other published works: 

1977 Poetry book Flæði (Flow)

Visual art, business and social activity

As an art painter Jóhann has held a number of private exhibitions and been a part of a few joint exhibitions. For the last years Icelandic nature has been the main subject of his art work. Many paintings by Jóhann are in the property of public institutions, companies and private individuals. At the same time Jóhann has taken part in the founding and running of art related businesses.

Jóhann G. was the founder of the organization SATT (Union of composers and musicians). The founding of SATT later led to the foundation of FTT. Jóhann was on the board of STEF ,FTT and the organization for building a concert-hall in Reykjavík. For many years Jóhann was strongly engaged with matters concerning the rights of Icelandic musicians.




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